Great Wildebeest Migration

The Spectacle of the Wildebeest Migration

The grand spectacle of the Great Migration is a coveted experience for aficionados of wildlife and nature, showcasing the perpetual journey of over a million animals across the Serengeti-Mara region. It all commences with the birth of wildebeest calves in the Southern Serengeti, marking the onset of an epic odyssey. Within a short span, hundreds of thousands of calves are born, drawing the constant attention of predators such as big cats and hyenas.

January to March: A Season of New Life

During January to March, the southeastern Serengeti teems with life, reaching its pinnacle between December and April. The seasonal rains attract vast herds of zebra and wildebeest, making the Ndutu area an unparalleled wildlife viewing spot. The lush grasslands provide an ideal environment for nurturing newborn calves.

The migratory cycle, devoid of a clear beginning or end, finds a starting point with the birthing season. Around January or February, the herds gather in the short-grass plains encircling Ngorongoro Ndutu and the lower Southern Serengeti. Over a span of two to three weeks, approximately 400,000 calves are welcomed into the world, nearly 8,000 newborns each day. The southeastern Serengeti transforms into a theater of life and death, as the influx of juvenile herbivores attracts predators. Visiting Tanzania from January to March offers an exhilarating safari experience in the Southern Serengeti and Ngorongoro Ndutu, witnessing the spectacle of calving and the drama of predator-prey interactions.

Mid-July to October: The Crossing Saga

By mid-July, the herds are still navigating the Mara River in the Northern Serengeti, particularly in the Serengeti Lemai Wedge adjoining the Masai Mara region. The river crossings, often fraught with danger, evoke fear and awe as predators lurk and currents surge. Despite varying water levels, crocodiles and other predators pose threats to the migrating wildebeest. By September or October, the herds begin their eastward journey, braving the turbulent floods of the Mara River once more as they prepare to head south again.


Southern Migration Tour
Northern Migration Tour

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