Exploring the idea on a safari in Arusha National Park?

Situated just a brief drive away from Arusha and Moshi, Arusha National Park stands as Tanzania’s most accessible national reserve, making it an ideal destination for a day excursion or the initial leg of an extended Tanzanian safari. Despite its compact size, this park boasts a wealth of attractions, featuring the majestic slopes, summit, and ash cone of Mt. Meru, Ngurdoto Crater, the picturesque Momella Lakes, and the verdant highland forests that blanket its lower elevations. Often overlooked by many safari enthusiasts, Arusha National Park presents a multifaceted gem, offering a diverse range of habitats to explore within just a few hours. Following your adventure in Arusha NP, consider extending your journey to discover other awe-inspiring national parks in Tanzania. Delve into our guides on Tarangire National Park and Serengeti National Park to uncover more unforgettable experiences awaiting your exploration.

Arusha National Park Wildlife

Experience a serene and unhurried game viewing adventure around the tranquil Momella Lakes in Arusha. Amidst the forested terrain, many visitors pause to catch glimpses of rare colobus monkeys frolicking in the treetops. While elephants are a rarity and lions are absent, the early morning and late afternoon offer opportunities to spot leopards and spotted hyenas. Graceful giraffes traverse the grassy hills, mingling with herds of grazing zebras, while the agile dik-diks dart into the undergrowth.

Arusha National Park boasts exceptional birding opportunities year-round, with peak sightings occurring between November and April when migratory birds from Europe and North Africa grace the skies alongside local species in their vibrant breeding plumage.

Venture beyond the park’s entrance gate to discover a mystical montane forest inhabited by inquisitive blue monkeys and adorned with the vibrant plumage of turacos and trogons. Here, amidst the forest’s verdant embrace, the acrobatic black-and-white colobus monkeys steal the spotlight. Nestled within this forest wonderland lies the breathtaking Ngurdoto Crater, its rocky cliffs encircling a marshy expanse inhabited by herds of warthogs and buffalo.

Journeying northward, you’ll encounter rolling grassy hills cradling the serene beauty of the Momella Lakes, each adorned with a unique hue of green or blue. At times, these lakes host shallow waters teeming with thousands of flamingos. The lakes serve as a haven for a diverse array of migrant and resident waterfowl, as well as majestic waterbucks showcasing their distinctive lyre-shaped horns.

Exploring Activities at Arusha National Park


Experiencing on the ascent of Mount Meru stands as one of the most popular activities for visitors to Arusha National Park. The three-day journey to the summit of the crater offers a quieter and potentially more challenging alternative to nearby Mount Kilimanjaro. For those not inclined to tackle the rigorous climb, the park’s lower slopes boast smaller trails leading to rivers and waterfalls, providing a leisurely day hike option. Other highlights include the ancient fig tree forests, pristine mountain streams, and the chance to spot colobus monkeys.

At dawn and dusk, the eastern horizon often unveils the majestic snow-capped peaks of Kilimanjaro, situated just 30 miles (50 km) away. However, it’s Mount Meru, Kilimanjaro’s lesser-known cousin, that commands the park’s skyline. As the fifth highest mountain in Africa at 14,990 feet (4,566 meters), Mount Meru offers breathtaking views of its renowned neighbor while serving as an excellent hiking destination in its own right.

The climb up Meru begins in wooded savannah terrain frequented by giraffes and buffaloes before ascending into forests adorned with vibrant red-hot pokers and draped in Spanish moss. The landscape transitions into open heath punctuated by towering lobelias, with klipspringers marking the hike’s progression. As the ascent continues, the alpine desert reveals everlasting flowers, culminating in a summit experience where Kilimanjaro stands resplendent in the sunrise.


Canoeing the Momella Lakes presents another enchanting activity within Arusha National Park. These seven shallow alkaline lakes, each displaying a unique shade of green or blue due to algae growth, offer sightings of diverse birdlife and animals such as waterbucks, giraffes, zebras, and dik-diks. Small Momella Lake offers the opportunity for a tranquil canoe safari amidst picturesque surroundings.


Arusha National Park also provides an ideal setting for a walking safari, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the park’s natural beauty. With a low predator population, walking safaris are permitted, offering close encounters with moss-covered trees, vibrant flora like red-hot pokers, and diverse wildlife including buffaloes, warthogs, giraffes, and an array of bird species. The walk often includes a visit to the Tululusia waterfalls before returning to the Momella gate.

If you’re considering an Arusha safari adventure, explore our range of Mirable Safaris for a tailored experience. Your dream Tanzania safari awaits, and we’re here to help you plan every step of the journey!

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